Thursday, December 18, 2008

Fuck It...why not?

Hi...I'm Rob lol kind of new to this blogging thing but figured why not, who knows who else would read this but as long as I am.

Anywho I am a upcoming rapper/MC what ever it is called these days, so when ever I post I plan to "drop a 16", meaning a verse also meaning for those who aren't familiar with rap, writing 16 lines of rhymes that concentrate around...anything...

It is 5:16 a.m. I don't know know why I'm up but who cares lol.

Anywho, I also plan to put basically anything I want along with a word of the day with its literal meaning and MY meaning ;-)...

I am part of a well-known NYC rap group (kidding) but we are a rap group called The Wood, controversial name but it originated from the actual film The Wood which is about 4 friends who basically lived their whole lives around each other. We are a brother-hood of 7 who all went to school with each other and we all found common ground through rap. Lou Fortune, Pol Pot, Chala, Air Raid, S.o.S., Kobe Blunt and me R-O-B (might change the name). My fellow comrad S.o.S. started a blog @

That site contains music and pictures and all that good stuff.

I'm a word-player so why the fuck not lol...
I'll put up music, mostly from either me or the MC group I'm in...
Music from real artists (lol) well only the one's I like or requests lol
Expect videos, pictures, etc. Basically everything you would see on another blog with the R-O-B spin on it lol

Shout out to S.o.S. aka Ivan the is his birthday

This first post has been long...pause pause

Word of the Day...SUBJECT

Subject -(noun)- a person or thing that is being discussed, described, or dealt with

R-O-B's definition: A class i could never pass...

My next post will host my first "16"

Holler at the colored...1

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